The John Trigg Ester Library

Capital Campaign Committee meeting, Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2011

Time: 6 pm; location: JTEL office


Review of notes from December 1, 2010 meeting

Reports on assignments:

  • Deirdre: community revenue sharing, legislative appropriation, community survey, draft grant application for library construction funds
  • Monique: business plan, marketing plan
  • Roy: office sponsorships, calls to potential funders
  • Susan: campaign timeline, volunteers list


Logo designs (per Amy Cameron) & branding

Construction Committee doings (campaign goal adjustment?)

Schedule next meeting: January 26, 2011

Meeting Minutes

Attending: Deirdre Helfferich, Monique Musick

Call to order 6:15


Wrote CRS letter: Carol Kincaid contact, Perhaps overkill. Kincaid said they need description of us, community, and need for funds. Intended use: high quality, long lasting green library, etc...; Rough timeline; Supplement to building funds, Purchase equipment etc.

State Legislative Appropriation: Waiting to hear back on “what we should ask for”

No update on survey

Roy and Deirdre reviewed library construction grant (state), Careful review of application. Borough has to apply for us: pass resolution. Since we are in an organized borough they have to represent us. Need to be public library (not defined), Local match: money, land, services; Must have deed, Detailed study of community needs and projected use for 20 years. Size requirements- based on area population, .7 ft. per capita, min 2,000 sq. ft.No problem with basement. Guidelines are useful: things to work on:

  • Identify benefits
  • Plan for services
  • Identify funding sources
  • Operating, Maint. budget
  • Document ability to manage grant funds
  • Demonstrate ability to operate a public library

Could not pull this all off this year


Mo wants to meet with Greg Hill to discuss library services, Including ADA requirements- special services. Work on a library services plan

Beyond books!

Interlibrary loan requires money and expertise

Monique did not do any further work on the plans, but did set up the office computer and got everything on one hard drive


Library volunteers list gathered for Susan

Donor list sent to Trey and Nancy for Lallapalooza planning meeting

No Roy or Susan


Met Jan. 4, no details yet

Monique asked Bob Hubert to do sound, He agreed and will help get musicians with Mo. Need to contact committee to coordinate their wants with our entertainment

Amy submitted some logos, none really cut it yet.The gazebo orientation is a little too squat. Need less image-like, more logo-like

Construction committee

Basement will increase costs: Could be a million dollar building again. Getting a better grasp of passive house design


Needs to be ready for Lallapalooza. Deirdre has started to merge, Monique will come by and work on it as well. Survey specific meeting Jan. 26- Mo and Deirdre will have draft by then.

Need to purchase memory for the Mac Mini- Board decision

Need to bring the donation software to a vote at the next Board Meeting

Adjourn: 6:41

library dog







Capital Campaign Committee